Mark Gillett

Come back frequently……

Yukon Quest….. A Wow! Event.

with 6 comments

The relatively little known Yukon Quest is one of the most powerful events I have witnessed.

I am here in the Yukon, Dawson City to be precise, and have travelled from Kuwait to London then Fairbanks to get here… Our (photography team) remit? to cover the Yukon Quest providing top notch images and GoPro video of the competitors……

I have been sucked in to this race already and cannot believe the performance of the mushers.. Tough, focussed, and basically the hardest human beings I have met.

They set off from Fairbanks on a 1000 mile quest to reach Whitehorse sledding with their teams throughout the beautiful but hostile wilderness of the Alaskan and Yukon Arctic. There are checkpoints and food along the way but many of them elect to sleep out, care for their dogs and keep moving rather than succumb to the warmth of a cabin for a few hours… With temperatures usually below -20c and often to -40c or colder this is an unbelievable race to witness.

I am now in Dawson City the half way point and where the teams must break for 36 hours before the final leg to Whitehorse. We are currently GoProing up the city, the start line and anything that moves.. Our first production can be seen on the previous post so check that awesome piece of work edited by Tom Barber…. Images above…. and on my Facebook and the Yukon Quest Facebook….

6 Responses

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  1. Mark, Tom (& Scott also) I know exactly what you mean with this….For me, this is the only event here (I am from Whitehorse) that will keep me glued to any form of media….AWESOME and ADDICTIVE. So you will be back another year, I am sure of it. Happens to a lot of people who come here for the first time. Keep up that good work of filming/photography!. THANK YOU

    Carla Mangnus

    February 9, 2012 at 1:33 am

  2. Your films and photos are absolutely stunning and really capture the FEEL of the race and it’s participants. Thanks so much, it helps us Alaskans follow the action.

    Holly Carroll

    February 9, 2012 at 2:50 am

  3. Your portraits are incredible, I love all the faces (human and canine) that I see above. Well done.


    February 9, 2012 at 3:41 am

    • Thank youuuu!


      February 9, 2012 at 3:43 am

  4. Your photos are great. You have captured the quest of the mushers, the spirit of dogs and the beauty of the people and land. I have enjoyed watching the race through your lens..

    Kathy Gillock

    February 13, 2012 at 1:33 am

    • Thank you Kathy….


      February 13, 2012 at 2:23 am

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